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然後狠心買了一條很貴的魚 (餘額剩下1X元吧)

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到底剩下誰沒有「90度鞠躬道歉過?」 科科科~ XD

PS. 蘇希身材一級棒、真妹好可愛……

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"The Lady or the Tiger?", a famous short story
written by Frank R. Stockton in 1882.

    The semi-barbaric King of an ancient land utilized an unusual form of administering
justice for offenders in his kingdom. The offender would be placed in an arena where his only way out would be to go through one of two doors. Behind one door was a beautiful woman hand-picked by the king and behind the other was a fierce tiger. The offender was then asked to pick one of the doors, without knowing what was behind it. If he picked the door with the woman behind it, then he was declared innocent but was also required to marry the woman, regardless of previous marital status. If he picked the door with the tiger behind it, though, then he was deemed guilty and the tiger would rip him to pieces.

    One day the king found that his daughter, the princess, had taken a lover far beneath her station. The king could not allow this and so he threw the offender in prison and set a date for his trial in the arena. On the day of his trial the suitor looked to the princess for some indication of which door to pick. The princess did, in fact, know which door concealed the woman and which one the tiger, but was faced with a conundrum - if she indicated the door with the tiger, then the man she loved would be killed on the spot; however, if she indicated the door with the lady, her lover would be forced to marry another woman, a woman that the princess deeply hated and believed her lover has flirted with. Finally she did indicate a door, which the suitor then opened.

    At this point the question is posed to the reader, "Did the tiger come out of that door, or did the lady?" The question is not answered, and is left as a thought experiment regarding human nature.

    From its publication and surprise ending, "The Lady, or the Tiger?" has come into the English language as an expression, meaning an unsolvable problem.

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麥帥為子祈禱文  General MacArthur's Prayer For His Son

Build me a son, O Lord,

who will be strong enough to know when he is weak,

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*事情如果那麽簡單   那就好了
   想讓自己不見   瞬間就統統消滅
   人類如果沒有心臟   那就好了
   受傷不會流血   悲傷也不會流淚

   不需要有同類   傳染頹廢
   不需要愚昧的尊嚴   不需要去偷竊你的思念   自我安慰

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058802-Blue-990-M.jpg 057467-Green-500-S.jpg 058056-Dark Green-1500-M.jpg 058350-Dark Gray-2990-M.jpg

號稱台灣Hand Ten的日本品牌Uniqlo衣服


個人相當喜歡第一件: 足球小將翼

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Training Items:

(a) 慢跑 (Jog)
(b) 游泳 (Swim)
(c) 伏地挺身 (Push-up/Press-up)
(d) 仰臥起坐 (Sit-up)
(e) 引體向上 (Pull-up)

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